Fietsknoop app
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Plus nodes [+]

A Plus node is a self-placed node, which you can apply to your route. Useful when you want to deviate from the existing node network.

Log in to your account and open the planning screen to create a walking or cycling route.
Plan your route as usual.
Click on the map to add a Plus node and confirm with 'yes'.
Click on the placed Plus node and Fietsknoop shows the route to it, starting from the last chosen node.
Create new Plus nodes and connect them to the previous Plus node, or click on a regular node to continue planning via the official node network.
You can move Plus nodes around on the map. Fietsknoop automatically adjusts the route.
When finished, save the route in the usual way. Plus nodes are shown in the height profile and in the nodes list.

It is possible to first place a number of Plus nodes and then create a route. Have you placed a number of Plus nodes but not used them? They disappear automatically when you start creating a new route.
You can also quickly double-click on the Plus node to be deleted.

NB. A Plus node can only be placed on the planner screen. Has the route been saved and would you like to insert a new Plus node in this route? Then click 'Edit' first, so the map enters planner mode. Place the Plus node, adjust the route and save.
Plus nodes can only be placed by Fietsknoop[+]Plus users. However, a route with Plus nodes can be shared with Friends or anyone else.
Plus nodes are visible on the map, and are also mentioned by voice support. Of course, you won't find a sign with your Plus node on the side of the road. During these track sections of your route, you have to navigate on the map.

See also the instruction video about Plus nodes on the video page, and the manual on Fixed Plus nodes.



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