Fietsknoop app
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Read more about how Fietsknoop works.

Also watch our instruction videos in Dutch


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- Account

 - Share routes on social media

Open your route in the app, from your Routes list. On the overlay screen, click on the social media share symbol:

Is this symbol not on your route's overlay screen? Then the route is still 'private'. Adjust this by clicking the archive symbol and changing the route to 'Everybody'.

#share #routes #socialmedia #facebook #instagram

- Routes

 - Sharing routes with Friends or everybody

You can convert a saved route from 'Do not share', to 'Friends' or 'Everybody'.

Open the route in your Routes list, and click on the archive icon on the overlay screen.

Indicate who the route is intended for and click on Save.


#routes #share #friends #everybody

- Fietsknoop[+]Plus

 - Sharing your own recorded route with others

An own recording of a route cannot be shared but you can create a GPX download of the recording and send it to others.

Log in with your Fietsknoop account on the website at
Choose the blue 'Trips' button.

Open the appropriate route.

On the route map, you'll find a download button.
Download the gpxtrack. Send it by e-mail.

NB: the website is only available in Dutch. With the help of your browser's automatic translation function, you may be able to translate the website.


#gpx #download #share #recording #trips

 - Sharing routes with one Friend

From app version 5.5.2 (February 2025), it is possible to share a route with one Friend, instead of all Friends.

Open the route, and click on the envelope symbol on the overlay screen.

Choose the Friend's name and click the blue Send button.

The Friend immediately receives the route and can add the route to his or her own list of Routes.

Want to share your route with all Friends? Save the route as ‘share with Friends’, using the archive icon on the overlay screen. See manual item ‘Sharing routes with Friends or everybody'.

#routes #share #Friend


 - Share an Activity

You can share an Activity (a gpx route) with others. This GPX route then becomes visible on the GPX routes page on the Fietsknoop website, and in the list of GPX routes in the app.

Open the Activity. Click on the note icon. Set the Activity to share with 'everyone' and save.

#activity #share #gpxroute

- Other

 - Share routes on social media

On the overlay screen of a route, click the 'share' icon.

Copy the web address from the browser and post it on your Facebook or Insta account.

#facebook #share-routes #insta #socialmedia

 - QR code

The QR code is only visible on routes shared with everyone.

In the app, you can convert a 'private' route to a public route by opening the route, clicking on the archive icon on the overlay screen and then making the route public by clicking on 'Everybody'. Then click on 'save'.

Converting a 'private' route to a public route can also be done via the website.
Log in to your account on the website, via
On your personal page, click on the blue 'routes' button.
Open the required route. Click on the green 'gegevens wijzigen' (= change data) button above the map. Indicate that the route may be public and save the changes.

The QR code is now visible above the map.

#QR #routes #share #everybody

 - Web service

With a (free) Fietsknoop account, you can create and save routes. If, when saving, you indicate that you want to share the route with 'everybody', the route will appear on our public route page after about 15 minutes.
In the app, the route can be found under 'Search'.
Anyone can now copy this route for their own use.

If you want to offer more routes and have your own website, you can use our web service to get your routes automatically on your site. Read more about this at

#web-service #routes #share

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