Fietsknoop app
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Read more about how Fietsknoop works.

Also watch our instruction videos in Dutch


Enter a search term    
- Settings

 - Sorting routes by date, by alphabet or by kilometres

Routes can be displayed and sorted in the app in three ways: by date, by alphabet (title), by kilometres.

Go to 'Settings', and specify which way you would like the routes to be shown.

There are more options on the website.
Log in and choose the blue 'Routes' button.
Above the route overview, you will find many more sorting options.


The website is only available in Dutch. With your browser's automatic translation function, it may be possible to translate the website.

#sort #alphabet #date #kilometres #routes

 - Sort your own routes (app)

The routes in the Routes list can be displayed in various ways.

Open the Routes list and click the selection icon in the top green bar.

From the drop-down menu, select which type of route should be shown (cycling and walking routes, only cycling routes or only walking routes).

In addition, choose whether to see all saved routes, or only routes shared with Friends or with everyone, or whether to only show downloaded routes.

Finally, sort the routes by date, alphabet or kilometre distance.


#sort #select #route

- App features

 - Labels

A label allows you to quickly classify routes into groups. Only usable with a Fietsknoop account.

Open the Labels list.
Click on the +label symbol in the top right of the navigation bar.
Give a title and any additional information. Save.

Open the new label and click on + in the navigation bar.
Select the correct route.

Would you like to change the label yourself? Click on the 'label and pen' symbol.

Log in to the website and open the 'Labels' list.
Click on 'new label'.
Give it a title and save.

Click on the new label and add the route.

On the website, you will see per label the total kilometres of the routes assigned to this label.

See also the instruction video at

#labels #sort #classify

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