Fietsknoop app
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Read more about how Fietsknoop works.

Also watch our instruction videos in Dutch


Enter a search term    
- Routes

 - Search criteria for routes

Searching for a route in the large database is easy by using the various criteria or filters.
Search by province, area, distance, rating, for a particular type of bike, only Fietsknoop routes etc.

Click on the search option and make a selection.

Go to the page
and make a choice from the options by clicking on it.

#search #routes #distance #province #surroundings #criteria #filters

- Settings

 - Large or small icons in the node bar

In the 'Settings' menu, you can set whether you want the nodes of your route to be displayed 'large' or 'small'.

When showing large icons, it is possible to see the total distance, and the distance between two consecutive nodes.

When showing small icons, only the distance between two consecutive nodes is shown.


Use the option Distances in bar to show only the nodes.


#large #small #icons #node-bar #distance

- App features

 - Info bar with north arrow, distance, speed

At the start of a route, an info bar appears at the bottom left of the route map, showing

- the north arrow
- the distance travelled
- the distance to the next node
- the current cycling or walking speed.

Clicking on the vertical line on the far right suppresses this bar.


#info #bar #north-arrow #distance #speed

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