Fietsknoop app
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- Settings

 - Scrolling the node bar of a route

While cycling or hiking a route, the node bar automatically slides along.
Would you prefer not to do this?

Go to 'Settings' and then 'Navigation settings'.
Here you will find the option 'Lock node bar while navigating'. Turn this option off, and you can scroll the node bar yourself while cycling or hiking.


#navigation #settings #node-bar #scroll #lock

 - Large or small icons in the node bar

In the 'Settings' menu, you can set whether you want the nodes of your route to be displayed 'large' or 'small'.

When showing large icons, it is possible to see the total distance, and the distance between two consecutive nodes.

When showing small icons, only the distance between two consecutive nodes is shown.


Use the option Distances in bar to show only the nodes.


#large #small #icons #node-bar #distance

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