Fietsknoop app
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- Fietsknoop[+]Plus

 - Overview of all your own cycled or hiked routes

The website shows exactly which routes you have already walked or cycled, and which recordings you have made of them.

Log on to
Click on the blue 'Routes' button, then click on 'kaart' (= map).

On the opened map, you will find a button 'all routes' and 'all recordings'.

This is also visible in the app. In the 'Routes' screen, click on the map symbol on the far right in the green top bar. On the next screen, the symbols for 'All routes' and 'All recordings' are visible in the top green bar. Click on these.

Only for Fietsknoop[+]Plus

NB: The website is only available in Dutch. With the help of the automatic translation function of your browser, it may be possible to convert the website to the desired language.

#all-routes #all-recordings #map

- Settings

 - Rotating map

Can the map rotate in the biking or walking direction?
Yes, go to 'Settings', then 'Screen settings'. Activate the 'Rotating map' option to rotate the map while cycling or walking.

While using the route, the north arrow is visible at the bottom  of the map.

#map #rotate #direction

 - Zooming and shrinking map on website

For a good, full-screen view, click the 'maximise' button on the left of the map.
Click the 'minimise' button to return to the normal view.



#map #zoom #shrink

 - Cycling or hiking without map view

Cycling or walking without map view is possible for those who are not Fietsknoop[+]Plus users, but would like to cycle or walk the route without the use of an internet connection.

Go to 'Settings', 'Screen settings' and de-activate the 'Route with map view' option.


#without-map #offline #map-view

- App features

 - Electric charging points

Electric charging points for your bike can be shown on the map.


Under ‘Settings,’ ‘Map settings,’ you can activate the option Charging points. On the map, electric charging points are shown as a green circle with a battery symbol. This option can also be found at the bottom of the map on the website.





#electric #charging-points #map

- Technical

 - Planner not visible

Reload the map by clicking on the three white dots at the top right of the green bar, then choose the Reload map option.


If this does not work, delete the app from your device and download it again with a good internet connection.

Also check 'Settings'. Is the option 'Route with map view' perhaps off? Turn this on, and the map will be visible.

#planner #reload #download #visible #map

- Other

 - Showing restaurants

By default, Fietsknoop shows the addresses of Cyclists Welcome and Rest Points, and restaurants/cafes/lunchrooms that advertise themselves on the map.

By logging in to your Plus[+] account, you can see where else restaurants can be found.

In 'Settings', indicate whether you want the restaurant symbol to be shown.


This is also visible on the website. Click on the 'Restaurants' button below the map.



#settings #map #restaurants #fietsknoop-plus

 - Reload map

Sometimes it appears that you are somewhere where internet coverage is poor or even absent. This affects the display of the map: due to the disruption of the connection with the Fietsknoop server, no map can be displayed temporarily. You have a grey area on your phone!

Quickly reload the map by clicking on the + or - sign.

#map #reload

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