Fietsknoop app
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Read more about how Fietsknoop works.

Also watch our instruction videos in Dutch


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- Account

 - How to purchase Fietsknoop[+]Plus?

Purchasing Fietsknoop[+]Plus can be done in three different ways:

- Make an in app purchase using the button on your account screen

- follow the steps as indicated on our Plus page

- or transfer the right amount (as mentioned on the Plus page) to NL98INGB0007013781 (BIC INGBNL2A) in the name of Fietsknoop BV. Please clearly state your email address or your Fietsknoop name and your account number in the description. As soon as we have received your contribution, your account will be adjusted.


#account #fietsknoop-plus #purchase

 - Altitude profile routes in app

The altitude profile of a route is visible in all routes, including gpx routes, for users with a Fietsknoop[+]Plus account (from app version 5.4.3, February 2024).

A route that is still 'under construction' does not yet contain an altitude profile. This only becomes visible after saving the route.

#altitude-profile #routes #app #fietsknoop-plus

 - Fietsknoop[+]Plus period and account number

on the 'Account'screen you will find your account number and the date until which your Fietsknoop[+]Plus account is still valid.

Log in to
Click on the blue 'Profile' button at the top right. On the new page you will find your account details.

#profile #account-number #valid #fietsknoop-plus

- Fietsknoop[+]Plus

 - Mates

Search and find your cycling or walking buddy. With Fietsknoop[+]Plus you can post a request. Everyone with a Fietsknoop account can respond to your request.

Click on the + sign to place your own request.

Fietsknoop is not an intermediary. Please read the 'Rules of application' carefully in advance. 

See also the instruction video on


#mates #fietsknoop-plus

 - Info pins

Use info pins to place your own markers on the map. Possible with Fietsknoop[+]Plus.

Log in and go to the 'Info pins' screen.

Click on the correct spot on the map (via the blue location button at the bottom right, or type in an address in the text box at the top). Click on the map and the pin is placed. Enter a text, more info if you wish, and save it.

You can move the info pin elsewhere by sliding. By clicking on the pin, you can also remove it.

Log in and click on the blue Info Pin button on your own page. The procedure is the same as described for the app.

See also the instruction video at


#info-pins #fietsknoop-plus

 - Customising routes in the app

Log in to your account. Select the desired route from the 'Routes' list, open it, click on the green 'Route' bar on the overlay screen, and then click on the three dots at the top right to open the drop-down menu. 

Choose "Edit" from the drop-down menu and you can take a point back at any time, then complete and save the route again at the right moment.


Tip: As a [+]Plus user you can also change the starting point or reverse the route. This can be useful to get a node to be deleted that is in the middle or at the beginning of the route close to the end point with the help of these two options. You do not have to go back as far in the route. Once the route is finished, set the original starting point again and/or turn the route around.

#edit #altering #customising #fietsknoop-plus

 - Adjust routes on the website

Log in to your account at Choose the blue button 'Routes' and open the correct route.

On the right side of the map you will see several green buttons. Choose 'Aanpassen' (=Adjust) to take back the route node by node in the blue node bar - by clicking the black circle with the white arrow - and add a node at the right spot. Is the route in order, click on the green 'Opslaan' (=save) button. 
NB. The website is only available in Dutch. Read the tip below!

Tip: as a [+]Plus user you can also change the starting point or reverse the route. This can be useful to move a node that is in the middle or at the beginning of the route close to the end point with the help of these two options. This way you do not have to go back as far in the route.  Once the route is finished, you can set the original starting point again and/or reverse the route.


#fietsknoop-plus #adjust #routes

 - Purchase Fietsknoop[+]Plus

 free account can be converted to an ad-free account with more functionality: a Fietsknoop[+]Plus account.

Go to the 'Account' screen. Click on the blue button '+ Buy Fietsknoop[+]Plus' and pay via Apple or Google.

Read the information at and Here it says how you can easily pay via iDeal, Bancontact or Giropay.

#account #fietsknoop-plus #purchase #pay #ideal #bancontact #giropay

 - Record a route without nodes

With Fietsknoop[+]Plus you can record your own, free route. However, no voice support is possible here!

In the planner, click on the triangle in the top bar.

Then click the green R (record) button to record the route.

Next, click the green Start button.

To see the node network, click on the eyelet.

This recording of this route can be found under 'Trips'.



#route-without-nodes #record #trips #fietsknoop-plus

 - Reverse route direction

Reversing the driving direction of your own route is easy when you have a Fietsknoop[+]Plus account.

Open the route in 'Routes'. Click on the overlay screen, and then click the multiple-choice menu at the top right.
Choose Reverse.

Log in to the website. On your personal page, choose the blue 'Routes' button. Select the right route from your list and open it.
To the right of the map, you will see green buttons. Choose 'Omdraaien' (= Reverse).


#fietsknoop-plus #direction #reverse #routes

 - Copy routes

Open the relevant route in 'Routes'.
Click on the overlay screen, then click on the multiple-choice menu at the top right.
Choose 'copy'.
Choose 'yes' at the confirmation question whether you would like to copy. You will find the copied route in 'Routes'.

Log in to the website. On your personal page, choose the blue 'Routes' button. Select the relevant route from your list and open it.
To the right of the map, you'll see green buttons. Choose 'Kopiëren' (= Copy).


#fietsknoop-plus #copy #routes

 - Change starting point of the route

Changing the starting point of a route is easy with a Fietsknoop[+]Plus account.
NB: changing a starting point can only be done for a closed round trip and for your own route!

Open the relevant route in 'Routes'. 
Click on the overlay screen and then click on the multiple-choice menu at the top right.
Choose 'Starting point'.
Click the appropriate node in the list and confirm with 'ok'.


Log in to the website. On your personal page, choose the blue 'Routes' button. Select the relevant route in your list and open it.

To the right of the map, you will see green buttons. Choose 'Startpunt' (= Starting point). In the node list, click on the correct new start node.


#fietsknoop-plus #starting-point #routes #adjust #change

 - Verify routes

The node network changes from time to time. Would you like to know if your routes are still correct?  Fietsknoop[+]Plus offers the 'verify' function for this purpose.

log on to or use the green 'Login' button in the top bar of the website.
Go to 'Routes'. On the Route Overview screen, there is a 'Controle' (= Verify) button. Click this and Fietsknoop will show you which route is no longer correct.

Open a route from the 'Routes' list. Click on the multiple choice menu at the top right and choose 'Verify[+]'. Adjust the route. For further instruction on this, see 'Adjust routes in app' or 'Adjust routes on website' in this manual.



#fietsknoop-plus #verify #routes

 - Reusing recorded route (Trip) (website)

A recorded route (trip) can be reused by reading it in as an 'Activity'.
Log in to the website,, or use the green 'log in' button in the top bar of the website. On your own page, choose the blue Trips button (top right).

Click on the appropriate route and it will be displayed.

Select the green 'Activity' button (to the right of the map) to read the route into the 'Activities' overview.


After the route is placed in 'Activities', it can also be found in the app in the 'Activities' screen. Open the preferred route and you can use it again.

#fietsknoop-plus #trips #recording #activity

 - Smartwatch

The smartwatch support (Fietsknoop[+]Plus) does not take place with a separate WatchApp but simply via notifications that you can receive on your smartwatch.

In the settings app on your phone, belonging to the smartwatch, indicate that the app Fietsknoop is allowed to send you notifications. It is also necessary that your phone is allowed to send notifications to the app Fietsknoop.

iOS users will be asked the first time a route is opened whether Fietsknoop can send notifications. Confirm this and then it works automatically. Android users from Android 13 onwards are asked the same question the first time a route is opened. In older versions of Android, no question is asked.

Close the screen after starting the route.

NOTE: When using an iPhone or iPad, messages only appear on the Smartwatch if the iPhone or iPad screen is closed and locked.

You receive the notifications as soon as you approach a node of a route. 

NB: it is important that the app Fietsknoop always has access to your location. And does the phone have a battery-saving option? Specify that the app Fietsknoop may also be used in the background.

#smartwatch #iwatch #notifications #fietsknoop-plus

 - Add photo to route


With a Fietsknoop[+]Plus account, you can add a photo to your own saved route.

Log in at Sign in

Open the desired route from your Routes list.

Above the map you will find an upload box. Use this to upload your photo. Maximum size 2MB



it is not possible to add a photo to your route via the app.


#photo #route #upload #fietsknoop-plus #add

 - Reusing recorded route (Trip) (app)

A recorded route (Trip) can be reused by reading it as an 'Activity'.

Open the desired route in Trips.

Click on the multiple-choice menu, at the top right.

Click on 'Create Activity [+]'.

The route can now be found under Activities.

#trips #activity #app #fietsknoop-plus


 - Read GPX file into Fietsknoop as 'activity'

Import a GPX file via your own dashboard in the Fietsknoop website (only for Fietsknoop[+]Plus users).

Log in to Click on the blue button 'Activiteiten = Activities' and then on 'Lees GPX bestand in = Import GPX file'.

After importing, the GPX file automatically appears in the app, under 'Activities'. Open - in the 'Activities' screen - the imported route. Using the Fietsknoop GPS function, you can use the route again. No voice support is possible, however.

Sometimes a GPS route is saved as .bin Change this to .gpx and save the file.

#gps #gpx #activities #fietsknoop-plus

- App features

 - Following someone on radar

Can someone follow me on radar?

Yes, but only if you give explicit permission to do so. No one can follow you without your knowledge, nor can they follow someone else without their knowledge.

What needs to be done to get someone to follow you?

Make sure you both have a Fietsknoop account with Fietsknoop[+]Plus and that you are Friends of each other (see also video about Friends).

In 'Settings', turn Radar ON.

Cycle or walk your route and turn on the GPS.
On the Radar, your location with name is visible to your Friend.

NB: it may take a while before your location is visible during the route.

#radar #settings #follow #fietsknoop-plus #friends

- Technical

 - How to use the route offline

Fietsknoop can be used offline and the map can be downloaded with Fietsknoop[+]Plus. To do so, click on the 'download' icon on the map of your own route. Do you wish to use someone else's route offline? Then add this route to your own list of routes. 

You can use the route with the help of the navigation bar and voice support.


NB: when leaving the route with the downloaded map to another page within Fietsknoop, the map information is lost. 

It is however possible to open another app on the phone and then return to the downloaded map in Fietsknoop.

#internet #offline #download #fietsknoop-plus

- Other

 - Showing restaurants

By default, Fietsknoop shows the addresses of Cyclists Welcome and Rest Points, and restaurants/cafes/lunchrooms that advertise themselves on the map.

By logging in to your Plus[+] account, you can see where else restaurants can be found.

In 'Settings', indicate whether you want the restaurant symbol to be shown.


This is also visible on the website. Click on the 'Restaurants' button below the map.



#settings #map #restaurants #fietsknoop-plus

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