Fietsknoop app
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Read more about how Fietsknoop works.

Also watch our instruction videos in Dutch


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- Account

 - Enter PIN for new account via app

When you create a new account, you will receive a pin code by e-mail.

Enter this pin code on the same screen in the app where the new account is entered, i.e. on the "Account" screen and then the 'Create account' button. 

#account #pin-code #app

 - Altitude profile routes in app

The altitude profile of a route is visible in all routes, including gpx routes, for users with a Fietsknoop[+]Plus account (from app version 5.4.3, February 2024).

A route that is still 'under construction' does not yet contain an altitude profile. This only becomes visible after saving the route.

#altitude-profile #routes #app #fietsknoop-plus

 - Elevation profile routes

The elevation profile of a route is visible below the map of your own route, when you are logged in to your Fietsknoop[+]Plus account.
There is a triangle at the top right of the height profile. Clicking it hides the profile. Clicking it again shows the elevation profile again.
Handy, if you don't want to print the elevation profile.

In the top green bar of a route, you can find the 'elevation profile' symbol. Click it to see the elevation profile of the route.

#elevation-profile #routes #app #website

 - Change password in app

Forgotten your password? Annoying.
Go to 'Account' and click the 'Password forgotten' button.

On the new 'Password' screen, enter your email address.
You will receive a pin code via e-mail.

Enter this pin code on the same 'Password' screen. The screen will show the place for the pin code, your new password and the confirmation of your new password.

Good luck!

#password #change #app

- Routes

 - Deleting saved routes

Open your list 'Routes'.

For iOS: move the route to be deleted to the left and click on the red 'delete' button.

For Android: click a bit longer on the route name in the list (so-called long-click). A delete question appears. Click on 'yes'. 

Log on to The website is in Dutch.

Choose the blue button 'Routes' on your own page. Click on the button 'route x' to the right of the route to be deleted.

It is also possible to remove several routes at once.
Click on the button 'Meerdere routes verwijderen = Delete multiple routes'. Tick the routes to be deleted and click on 'Geselecteerde routes verwijderen = Delete selected routes'. 
See also the instruction video on the website.

#routes #delete #Apple #Android

 - Trips: recordings and notes

In Trips, you can see when you made a recording of a route and which notes were added.
You can see the recording of a previously saved route, together with the original route.

You can also find the recording of a so-called free route (without nodes) here.

Write a note to your recording in Trips by clicking on the pen icon to the right of the title.

See also the instruction video on Trips at

#routes #record #app #view #trips #note

 - How to create a route in the app

Open the app. Choose 'Biking' or 'Hiking'. Click on a node and then on another node. Fietsknoop will show the intermediate route via the node network.

Planning a slightly longer route in one go?
Use the text box to enter an address/place name/postcode.

Then click a node. Enter a new address and the map moves to this address. Click another node and Fietsknoop will create the route.

NB: do not choose place names too far apart. Fietsknoop can handle a distance of about 100 kilometres. So for longer routes, choose an intermediate address.

Is the route satisfactory? Save it by clicking the save symbol.

Give the route a name and any additional information. Save.

The route now appears in the Routes list. Can' t you see the new route? Scroll down the screen to refresh the page.

Are you creating a new route after this and the old route is still visible in the planning screen? Click on the bin symbol to empty the map.

#routes #create #app

 - Adjusting route details in the app

Open the appropriate route in the 'Routes' list. Click the archive icon on the overlay screen.

Adjust the data and save.

Return to the 'Routes' list and refresh the screen if necessary by pulling it down.

Now the information has been saved properly.

#routes #details #adjust #app #archive-icon

- Fietsknoop[+]Plus

 - Reusing recorded route (Trip) (app)

A recorded route (Trip) can be reused by reading it as an 'Activity'.

Open the desired route in Trips.

Click on the multiple-choice menu, at the top right.

Click on 'Create Activity [+]'.

The route can now be found under Activities.

#trips #activity #app #fietsknoop-plus

 - Delete fixed Plus nodes in app

Log in to your account in the app and open the Plus nodes page.


Click on the Plus node to be removed. Choose Verwijderen (= delete).


#plus #node #fixed #app #delete

- Other

 - App version

The 'Contact and Info' screen shows which app version you are using.

Do you not have the latest version? Go to the Apple App Store or Google Playstore and search for the app Fietsknoop. Click the 'update' button to download the latest version.



#app #version #contact #info #update

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