Fietsknoop app
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Read more about how Fietsknoop works.

Also watch our instruction videos in Dutch


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- Account

 - Register and make an account website

Register via You will immediately receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your registration. This is to prevent misuse of your e-mail address.

Choose a unique Fietsknoop name. For example, add a punctuation mark or number.

#account #register #website

 - Elevation profile routes

The elevation profile of a route is visible below the map of your own route, when you are logged in to your Fietsknoop[+]Plus account.
There is a triangle at the top right of the height profile. Clicking it hides the profile. Clicking it again shows the elevation profile again.
Handy, if you don't want to print the elevation profile.

In the top green bar of a route, you can find the 'elevation profile' symbol. Click it to see the elevation profile of the route.

#elevation-profile #routes #app #website

 - Change email address on the website

Log in to the website via the green button 'Inloggen', at the top right of the website, or via this link.

You will be directed to your own dashboard page. Here, click the blue Profile button, at the top right.

Change your email address here and save.

NB: Have you changed your email address but can't log in to your account?
Often a phone or PC automatically fills in previously used data, for example the old email address. Delete this data and enter the new e-mail address yourself.

#email-address #account #change #modify #website

- Routes

 - Creating a route on the website

How to create a route on the website?

Log in to the website On your own page, choose the 'Planner' button.

Click on a node, click another node and Fietsknoop will show the shortest route via the node network.
Create the route this way and save when the route is ready.

Creating a slightly longer route? Use the text box at the top of the map to enter an address/postcode/city name.

Click on a junction. Enter a new address and click on the new node. Fietsknoop will create the route.
NB: For routes longer than 100 kilometres, you need to take an intermediate step.

Save and name the route.

You will find the route on the route overview 'Routes', via your dashboard.

By logging in to the app, these routes become visible in your account.

NB. the website is only available in Dutch. With the help of the automatic translation function in your browser, you could translate the website.

#routes #create #website

 - View Trips (recordings of routes) on the website

Log in to and click on the blue Trips button.

In the overview, you will find all your Trips, the most recent one at the top of the list. To see the recording of your Trip, click the 'Opnames' (= Recordings) button.

NB: the website is only available in Dutch. Using your browser's automatic translation function, you may be able to convert the website to your preferred language.

#routes #cycled #walked #website #view #trips

 - Adjusting route details on website

Log in to
Click on the blue Routes button, top right.

Open the appropriate route.
Click the 'gegevens wijzigen' (= modify data) button in the green area above the map.

Adjust the data and save.

NB: The website is only available in Dutch. With the help of the automatic translation function in your browser, it may be possible to translate the website.

#routes #adjust #website #details

- Fietsknoop[+]Plus

 - Creating fixed Plus nodes on the website

Log in to your account on the website. On your own dashboard page, click the blue Routes button, top right.
On the opened routes page is the blue button 'Je vaste Pluspunten maken' (= Create your fixed Plus nodes). Click this button.

Click on the map where you want to place a fixed Plus node, using the mouse to drag the Plus node to another location if necessary. Click on the Plus node to add, edit or delete the text. Use only letters and numbers, do not use accent marks or other non-letter characters. You can place up to 50 fixed Plus nodes.

When creating a route, you can place your fixed Plus nodes on the map by clicking the blue button above the planner map.

#plus #node #fixed #website

 - Delete fixed Plus nodes on website

Log in to your account on the website and click on the blue Routes button. Then click the blue button Je vaste Pluspunten maken (= Create your Fixed Plus nodes).

On the overview map of Fixed Plus nodes, click on the Plus node to be removed. Choose Verwijderen (= Delete).

Or click on the overview map of Plus nodes and delete the desired Plus node.


#plus #node #fixed #website #delete

- Other

 - Is the Fietsknoop website secure?

The Fietsknoop website is available entirely via https. Please use All communication from the app to our servers is also via a fully secure connection.

No unnecessary tracking cookies are placed.

Only data necessary for the proper functioning of the website are collected.

#website #secure #cookies

 - Create QR code

Every route that is public is automatically given a QR code on the website. This allows someone else to easily add the route to their own list.

Create a route, save it and specify that the route can be found by 'everybody'.

Click on Save.
The QR code is visible on public routes on the website.

NB: the website is only available in Dutch. With the help of your browser's automatic translation function, you may be able to translate the website.

#QR #routes #create #everybody #website

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