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- Routes

 - Adjusting a not yet saved route

As long as the route is not yet saved, you can change it by using the button 'take back last point'.



Once the route has been saved, it is only possible to modify it with a Fietsknoop[+]Plus account.

#routes #adjust

 - Adjusting route details in the app

Open the appropriate route in the 'Routes' list. Click the archive icon on the overlay screen.

Adjust the data and save.

Return to the 'Routes' list and refresh the screen if necessary by pulling it down.

Now the information has been saved properly.

#routes #details #adjust #app #archive-icon

 - Adjusting route details on website

Log in to
Click on the blue Routes button, top right.

Open the appropriate route.
Click the 'gegevens wijzigen' (= modify data) button in the green area above the map.

Adjust the data and save.

NB: The website is only available in Dutch. With the help of the automatic translation function in your browser, it may be possible to translate the website.

#routes #adjust #website #details

- Fietsknoop[+]Plus

 - Adjust routes on the website

Log in to your account at Choose the blue button 'Routes' and open the correct route.

On the right side of the map you will see several green buttons. Choose 'Aanpassen' (=Adjust) to take back the route node by node in the blue node bar - by clicking the black circle with the white arrow - and add a node at the right spot. Is the route in order, click on the green 'Opslaan' (=save) button. 
NB. The website is only available in Dutch. Read the tip below!

Tip: as a [+]Plus user you can also change the starting point or reverse the route. This can be useful to move a node that is in the middle or at the beginning of the route close to the end point with the help of these two options. This way you do not have to go back as far in the route.  Once the route is finished, you can set the original starting point again and/or reverse the route.


#fietsknoop-plus #adjust #routes

 - Change starting point of the route

Changing the starting point of a route is easy with a Fietsknoop[+]Plus account.
NB: changing a starting point can only be done for a closed round trip and for your own route!

Open the relevant route in 'Routes'. 
Click on the overlay screen and then click on the multiple-choice menu at the top right.
Choose 'Starting point'.
Click the appropriate node in the list and confirm with 'ok'.


Log in to the website. On your personal page, choose the blue 'Routes' button. Select the relevant route in your list and open it.

To the right of the map, you will see green buttons. Choose 'Startpunt' (= Starting point). In the node list, click on the correct new start node.


#fietsknoop-plus #starting-point #routes #adjust #change

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