Fietsknoop app
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Read more about how Fietsknoop works.

Also watch our instruction videos in Dutch


Enter a search term    

 - How can GPS accuracy be increased?

Open 'Settings'. Under the tab 'GPS settings' you can set the GPS accuracy. The more accurate, the more energy the phone will consume.

#gps #settings #accurate

 - GPS is not functioning properly

In your phone's general settings, it is possible to give the Fietsknoop application access to your location. Make sure this access is set to ALWAYS.

If the GPS is still not functioning properly, it may be useful to disable the battery saving option in your phone's general settings.

#gps #settings #location

- Settings

 - Set fixed start location app

Open the drop-down menu by clicking on the three horizontal dashes in the top left.

Select 'Settings'. Enter the desired start location and click on the check mark.

Clicking on the small house in the planner will immediately show the fixed start location that you have defined.


#start-location #set

 - Scrolling the node bar of a route

While cycling or hiking a route, the node bar automatically slides along.
Would you prefer not to do this?

Go to 'Settings' and then 'Navigation settings'.
Here you will find the option 'Lock node bar while navigating'. Turn this option off, and you can scroll the node bar yourself while cycling or hiking.


#navigation #settings #node-bar #scroll #lock

 - Setting the cycling and walking speed

On the 'Settings' and 'General Settings' screen, you will find the option to set your cycling and walking speed.


#set #speed #cycling #walking

 - Set fixed start location website

Log in to the website. On your own dashboard page, there are some blue buttons at the top right.
Click on the Profile button.
Enter your fixed start location and save.

When creating a new route, click the blue button with the set address on the map.


#start-location #set #profile

- App features

 - The radar

For what do you use the Radar?

The radar shows on the map all active Fietsknoop users with a Fietsknoop account. The positions are anonymous. Your own active position is shown in orange.

You can only see other Fietsknoop users on the radar if you have specified in 'Settings' that others can also see your location.



#radar #settings

 - Following someone on radar

Can someone follow me on radar?

Yes, but only if you give explicit permission to do so. No one can follow you without your knowledge, nor can they follow someone else without their knowledge.

What needs to be done to get someone to follow you?

Make sure you both have a Fietsknoop account with Fietsknoop[+]Plus and that you are Friends of each other (see also video about Friends).

In 'Settings', turn Radar ON.

Cycle or walk your route and turn on the GPS.
On the Radar, your location with name is visible to your Friend.

NB: it may take a while before your location is visible during the route.

#radar #settings #follow #fietsknoop-plus #friends

 - Radar on the route map

While biking or hiking a route, it is possible to go directly to the radar screen to see fellow Fietsknoop users in your area.
Click the Radar button at the bottom right of the screen.

No access to the radar yet? On the 'Settings' screen, under 'Radar settings', specify that others may see your location.
With a Plus account, you can also find your active Friends on the radar.

#radar #Plus #settings

- Other

 - Showing restaurants

By default, Fietsknoop shows the addresses of Cyclists Welcome and Rest Points, and restaurants/cafes/lunchrooms that advertise themselves on the map.

By logging in to your Plus[+] account, you can see where else restaurants can be found.

In 'Settings', indicate whether you want the restaurant symbol to be shown.


This is also visible on the website. Click on the 'Restaurants' button below the map.



#settings #map #restaurants #fietsknoop-plus

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